Thursday, May 27, 2010

We are the heros we've been waiting for!

Watching the debacle that is happening in the Gulf with the BP oil spill, I realize how we can get moving in a better direction. Lots of communities are adopting the Transition Town blueprint, and using it to guide them in re-localizing their towns and cities. The people are moving away from fossil fuel dependency, and not waiting for the government or corporations to do it for them! By becoming more locally self reliant, we can create a more equitable and sustainable economy, work with nature, and stop feeding the rapacious corporations that are destroying this planet we inhabit (not own).

Many are already getting much of their food grown locally. Let's form a community development corporation, and use the collective wealth of all of us to jump start micro enterprises to craft biodiesel, build our furniture, jewelry, art, and create living wage jobs right here! Buying locally is great, and let's complete the circle by investing locally, in our neighbors.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Local Currency Coming Soon!

What do you think of having a local currency? We'll call it "Salmon", exchangable 1:1 with federal reserve notes. I'll ask every local business to commit to taking at least 10% of every sale in "Salmon", and some will take even more, up to 100%. This seems to really help keep more resources local, and creates more of a connection to the local ecology/economy in general. Bills, or coins, or both, what do you think?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Spreading the Word in Clark County

This is the start of a new era. Buy Local Clark County is going to change the way people think, shop, and even invest! First: get 100 member businesses, then create a brochure, and "Platinum card" with instant savings of over $1000 total, to be sold for only $20. The most challenging has been the local newspapers, but we may even start our own. What the heck, create your own media. To their credit, The Vancouver Voice has been very supportive, and so friendly, they don't even seem like a newspaper, more like real nice neighbors. They published my first letter to the editor, without editing out a single word, then did a write up about our food drive! The drop off locations for that (through december 31st), is Bentley's Jewelry, in East Vancouver, 7 days a week, between 1 and 6 PM.
Right now I am making a list of businesses to contact with this proposal. Picking the first board of directors may be the hardest part in all this, but making it larger would be most democratic, and that is a key value in this campaign, which appeals to persons of all political bents. Let me know what you think. Check back often, as the adventure continues.....